Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

23 May 2006

The first porno I ever saw…

The subject of porn was raised yesterday and it sent my mind back to the first porn movie I ever saw.

To make a short story long… My best friend’s folks had a couple of friends visit from Queensland and at that time Sir Joh was in power and porn was banned. Upon their arrival in NSW their first stop was to the video store to rent some porn…I’ve always been a bit afraid to rent porn, has it been taken out of the video with sticky fingers by the previous viewer?... but I digress…

The next day Michelle and I, two horny 12 year old girls returned from netball to an empty house. The adults had only got half way through the movie the night before so we checked the counter on the video, rewound it and settled in for a viewing of “Puss in Boots” (about army women). After about an hour of watching the video in stunned silence, we heard the car pull up in the driveway, checked the video counter, rewound to the appropriate place, put Video Hits on and sat around looking bored.

The adults came into the house and promptly told us to “bugger off”, so we went into Michelle’s room and left them to watch the end of the video. Now, the TV faces a doorway, off which leads Michelle’s room… so we snuck out to the hallway and stuck out heads out in the doorway to watch the rest of the movie.

Mrs T (Michelle’s mum) being the sex kitten that she is, was busy ironing and at one point looked up from the ironing board to the television and saw a face she did not recognise… “who’s that?” she asked, and to my utter dismay, Michelle yells from our hiding position in the hallway “THAT’S PUSS!!!”.

Needless to say, I didn’t get to see the end of the movie, but it is a happy little memory I take everywhere with me.

Michelle, your adolescent antics could keep this site going for years, but I’ll let you off with only this one (last thing I need is any retaliation!).


At 8:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shelley Iam still learning things aout you. I would have killed you had I known. Trust Michelle to give you away to her mother. You just have to love her for the things she said & did without thinking.

At 9:43 am, Blogger Shelley said...

Like I said... years worth of fodder... but i'll leave it alone!


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