Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

08 October 2006

Not a lot...

Mum’s giving me a hard time because I haven’t blogged in a while but not a lot has happened in the past week or so.

Clyde managed to fall into the pool… but Napoleon was handy and there was no danger but it still gave me a fright.

Bonnie went on an excursion to Centrepoint Tower. She really didn’t want to go because she was worried she would fall out of the “tallest building in the southern hemisphere” but she did end up going and had a ball.


At 12:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't give you a hard time but if you have used your blog then I know you are alive & well without getting a phone call or an e-email. Love you Girl.


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