Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

31 August 2006

Who broke the toilet seat?

Clyde has just been toilet trained and to flush the toilet he needs to stand on the seat to reach the button. During a recent expedition to climb to the top of the bowl, he managed to break one of the plastic bolts which hold the toilet seat in place. There’s still one bolt in tact so the seat sort of swivels around a bit.

This morning when I was getting him ready for day care, I took his pj top off and it got wedged on his head (like everything without buttons does). When I finally removed it from his massive skull, I said “gee, you have a big head”, to which he responded, “yes, like daddy’s big head. Daddy has a big bottom too and he broke the toilet seat!”

Talk about palming off the blame!


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