Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

21 August 2006

Book Parade

I spent yesterday with Bonnie trying to decide what character she shall portray at this years Book Parade which is on this Thursday.

The school gave us plenty of notice (sarcasm)…7 days… when really I couldn’t organise a root in a brothel with a month’s notice and a blank cheque.

Anyway, we decided she will go as Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. She’s all excited about getting dressed up and going to school when I realised neither Napoleon nor I can make the damn parade. I have Friday’s off and the only day they hold “events” at school are Thursdays… I really should have organised that a little better.

Napoleon managed to make it to the Easter hat parade that I missed, but I couldn’t let my little gypsy go to the parade sans parents, so I came into work and asked the bossmen if I could possibly have this Thursday off for the book parade. I thought with the lack of notice and the fact that we’ve been pretty busy at work would have resulted in a “NO”… but they both said “I’ve got no problem with that… have a good day”.

How the hell did I land a job like this??? I’ve got two fantastic bosses who completely understand my family situation (as they both have young kiddies too), they pay well, they don’t make me cry and I actually enjoy coming into work. Who’d’ve thunk it?

Anyway, Nick and John, thanks for letting my little girl have her mum for the day.


At 10:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just ask us Shel as we will come if we can. Iknow it is a long way for us but we will do it for our Grandchildren. We also thank Nick & John for being so wonderful to our Shel, but she is a "GEM".

At 9:58 am, Blogger Shelley said...

Mum, I always appreciated everything you did for us in the way of hat and book parades, etc... but I never actually realised the effort and organisation that goes into these things.

Mum, thanks for everything you did for us and everything you still do for us.

Isn't it sad that it takes your children to become parents before they fully appreciate you?


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