Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

26 May 2006

What has become of me?

Monday to Thursday I have to get myself and two children out of the house by 7.30am so I act like a drill sergeant screaming instructions at uninterested, uncooperative cadets, but I have a routine and most mornings I can calmly walk out the door on time.

Friday’s are a completely different story. I only have to get one kid to school by 9.00am and the school is about 200m away from home so our morning is much more relaxed. With no structure, inevitably every Friday morning ends in a mad panic trying to get out of the house on time. This morning was no different. At 8.55am I had Bonnie at the front door going through the normal checklist…

Got your lunch? Check.
Combed your hair? Check.
Breath minty fresh? Check.
Got a handkerchief? Check. (Yes Mum, I send her to school with a hankie)
Got your hat? Check.

“Let’s go… quick c’mon”. The kids were out the front, I was half way out the door when I looked down and realized I was still wearing my ugg boots! I stopped and actually considered leaving them on.

Had I really descended this far into Westy-ville? No! I won’t give in so easily!

Having a problem finding a pair of shoes, I again considered wearing the ugg boots. Another quick look under the bed and I found a shoe that matched. Finally!

How long will it be before I’m standing at the back fence in my dressing gown with my hair in rollers gossiping to the neighbours? Someone throw me a life preserver???


At 4:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you better keep a check on yourself. I hope you had your hankie.


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