Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

06 April 2006

Brazilian Wax

I stumbled upon this article on the net today…

The closest shave you can have. This new cult of body waxing takes us back to our roots. Removing all hair from the vagina area, the Brazilian Wax although sadistic in nature is surprisingly not as painful as you might think, to some.

Introduced to New Yorkers in 1987, the Brazilian wax emerged when seven Brazilian sisters, Jocely, Jonice, Joyce, Janea, Jussara, Juracy, and Judseia Padilha opened J. Sisters International Salon in midtown Manhattan. And women's bikini lines were changed forever!

The Brazilian bikini wax is an acquired taste and is not for everyone. Some women can endure the pain while others it's just too much to bare. For those of you interested in modeling it's a must, but I'd recommend a lead up before you take the plunge.

Brazilian waxing involves spreading hot wax your buttocks and vagina area. A cloth is patted over the wax, then pulled off. Don't be alarmed if the waxer throws your legs over your shoulder, or asks you to moon them, this is normal and ensures there are no stray hairs. A tweezer is used for the more delicate areas (red bits).

So why does it appeal. Nobody really likes hair in their private regions and it has a childlike appeal. Men love it, and are eternally curious about it.

Your Brazilian Wax will last for about one to two months before stubble appears, it may be itchy as it grows and watch out for ingrown hairs. Don't try this a home, you need to seek a professional waxer.

Now this is my question. WHY? I know its been around for years but I never realised just how invasive the procedure is. You’re probably aware I’m not averse to waxing but I don’t even want my husband to get a visual of my sphincter let alone some strange woman armed with hot wax and tweezers. I have enough problems getting a regular pap test and that’s “flashing my slash” at someone with a very expensive education, not some chick who did an 8 hour course at the Community College at the local high school. “It may be itchy as it grows out and watch out for ingrown hairs” also doesn’t instill much faith. I could get an ingrown hair in my arse?

No thanks…. I think I’ll give it a miss!


At 4:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coward or Smart? I would say smart.

At 1:49 am, Blogger Narrator said...

Shel, I agree. I'd rather keep my pubes no matter how "UNCHILDLIKE" the appeal. Who wants ingrowns in such a sensitive area and which is the lesser of two evils?

I'm totally disturbed that men are so passionate about bald vaginas. What is that saying about our culture when even grown women are forced to revert back to pre-pubescence just to get men hard? It's sick and speaks volumes about the pedophiliac permission society gives to men.

(I'm not a man-hater, but I am critical)


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