Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

24 May 2007

Defective Phrase Gene

It seems Grace has inherited Michael’s defective phrase gene.

For anyone not aware, Michael has a problem with nursery rhymes (ring a ring a rosie, Mary popped a posie) and phrases (one night when unable to finish his meal he said “my eyes were bigger than my head”… rather than bigger than my stomach).

Last night Grace told me (after losing an argument with me) “It’s not whether you win or lose… as long as you race!!!”.

23 May 2007

Such a clever boy

This morning I was in the car waiting for the day care people to show up and (as sad as it is) was doing a sudoku puzzle.

Jed was pointing at each number and saying 7... 9... 2... 3. I told him he was very clever and went back to the puzzle. Again pointing at numbers "2... 8... 6"… but this time I wasn't paying attention so Jed says "Mummy, why aren't you clapping? I'm very good you know."

22 May 2007

I’m afraid you don’t have that option…

Apparently Jed got into a little trouble at day care yesterday. Michael was informed that Jed was placed on the “naughty chair” but did not get the full story. Over dinner we quizzed Jed about why he got in trouble.

Michael: You’ve already been in trouble, you won’t get in trouble again. Just tell me why you were put on the naughty chair.

Jed’s eyes started to water and his bottom lip quivered…

Jed: I don’t want to talk about it!

15 May 2007

I can’t see through walls…

Grace and I were in the kitchen the other day when there was a huge BANG emanating from my bedroom.

Grace: What was that?

Me: I don’t know. I can’t see through walls.

Grace: I thought you could… you yell at me through walls!