Who Gives a Damn?

The uninteresting ramblings of a wife, mother and secretary

29 November 2006

The problems with vanity

We had some friends visit from Queensland on the weekend and they gave Grace some fake finger nails. The glue was completely dried up and the nails waaaaay too big.

So Monday night I convinced Grace to wait until Tuesday night and I would try to get her some more nails. Well, I couldn't find any and she just HAD TO HAVE THEM put on. I got out my nail glue (stronger than damn super glue) and put just the thumb nails on (I knew she wouldn't be able to cope will all nails).

Delighted with her new nails... she went to her room to play and from her room came a blood curdling scream... I went to investigate and she's on the floor sobbing uncontrollably and finally spits out "I can't suck my thumb anymore".

27 November 2006

The Tooth Fairy needs a new map…

It appears I’m driving my children unlicensed again!

On Saturday Grace lost her 2nd tooth… she put said tooth into a glass of water beside her bed and when she got up in the morning… it was still there!!!

Trying to hide my guilt, I explained that the Tooth Fairy must have had many collections that evening and as she knew Grace was having some friends over on Sunday, she thought Grace might like to show her friends her tooth before taking it away. Grace was pretty happy with this answer until… her friends couldn’t make it to our place!

Well, the Tooth Fairy must have come last night because the tooth was gone and there was a shiny gold coin in its place!

22 November 2006

Lazy as a MacDonald

If you looked up “lazy” in the dictionary, you would find a picture of the MacDonald family (me, dad and Racer)

I was talking to the kids and mentioned something about Grandpa’s surname being “MacDonald”.

Jed said, “I a MacDonald too”. I then informed him that he isn’t a MacDonald, as MacDonald is not his last name, to which he responded, “but I heard you tell someone I was a MacDonald because I’m soooooo lazy”.

16 November 2006

It’s in here somewhere

Grace’s homework is a “home reader”. It’s just a little book they need to read to their parents and we then sign a sheet and send it back to school.

Last night Grace was reading her home reader and got to a word she didn’t recognise, so she looked up at the ceiling. I said, “the ceiling isn’t going to give you the answer, look at the word”. Her response… “I’m looking inside my brain for the answer.”

15 November 2006

Last night’s dinner conversation…

Jed: *having a coughing fit*
Me: You okay, Sweetie?
Grace: You love Jed more than me!
Me: Why? Because I asked him if he was okay in the middle of a coughing fit?
Grace: Well, you look after him better than me!
Me: Again, because I asked him if he was okay?
Grace: *
realising she wasn’t going to win*… No, you don’t understand, I’m trying to tell you “good job”.

I somehow don't think that was her first thought!

14 November 2006

You’ve just gotta love ‘em

This morning before work, Grace was shoving something into my pocket. “What’s that?” I asked. She said, “It’s for when you miss me today.”
Not because I clothe her, feed her and tend to her every whim… but because I’m pretty (prity).

I asked her, “How do you know how to spell ‘because’?” She said…


09 November 2006

He’s his father’s son

Mum, as you’re the only one who reads this bloody thing, I’m reverting to real names.

Last night Michael was playing with the kids when Jed left the room and returned with a basket of toys. Michael said, “the game stops until you put those away”. Jed turned straight to Grace and said “put the basket away Gacie”.

I looked at Michael and said, “he’s your son… he’s a delegator”.

02 November 2006

I really should move more...

We took the kids ten pin bowling (the natural enemy of the acrylic nail) on the weekend.

I’m not proud to say that my 5 year old daughter and my 3 year old son, both smashed me!!!

Another admission of which I am not proud, is you know you’re in some really terrible shape when you get sore from bowling and it takes 3 days to recover!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I really should move more!