Grace auditioned Casula Idol (schools version of Australian Idol). I got a big 2 days notice and asked her what song she wanted to sing. She picked Soak up the Sun by Cheryl Crow. So we’re frantically trying to learn the damn song and tensions were high. At one point she put her little hands on her hips and said …“You know Mum, I can just cancel the whole thing!” We managed to get through the ordeal reasonably unscathed.
During her audition, she got a little bit of stage fright and mixed up a few of her words. She was a bit upset and the “powers that be” said she could have a 2nd chance, but unfortunately that “chance” never eventuated. I’m proud of her for getting up in front of all those people and singing her little heart out!
Jed, Jed, how do you solve a problem like Jed?
He’s such a funny bugger. Earlier this evening he ran straight into the wall. “Jed, are you alright?” I asked, terribly concerned. He put the back of his hand on his forehead and with great drama declared “I’ll never play the armpit again!” before looking at me with great disdain and leaving the room. I don’t know where the hell that came from but it had me in hysterics.
He’s preparing for school. He’s been to orientation and to a “play day” where they spend an hour visiting classes and partaking in a few activities. He’s very excited about big school.
Church! I don’t like church. I’ve just started going back and I gotta tell you, it’s the longest damn hour of my life. I walk in, reasonably happy and then I get told I’m going to hell (no longer so happy). Not long after, a guy comes round with a dish and I get to pay for the privilege of being called a sinner!
Is this meant to make me realise the error of my ways and become a better person? I’m not a bad person. I think I obey most of the 10 commandments (I can’t actually remember them all)… I don’t commit murder, I don’t commit adultery, I don’t steal, I honour my father and my mother (shut up Mum)… okay, so that one’s a little iffy… I don’t covet my neighbours wife (although if she wasn’t so ugly, who knows?)… okay, okay, I’m getting the point I’m not such a good person but still… maybe a little encouragement?
My Undeniably Better Half...
…ahhhh, nothing ever changes.